Induction Heating carbon graphite anodes
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Objective Heating carbon graphite anodes to destructively oxidize the parts to process embedded contaminants
Material anodes 2.5 x 2.5 x 4 (63 x 63 x 102) h x w x d in (mm)
Temperature 1900 °F 1000°C
Frequency 54 kHz
Equipment Power of 70kW induction heating system, custom multi-turn helical coil, 4 cap 1.0μF workhead
Process An air purge system is used to provide fresh air (~25 f3/hr) to the part during the heat cycle and to provide a swirling action for maximum contact with the surface of the anode.
The anode is placed inside the induction-heating coil and heated to a temperature of 1000°C. After 2.5 hours, the anode
burns to about 0.375 inch diameter piece.
A pyrometer/controller is used to provide constant temperature as the anode reduces in size.
Results/Benefits Induction heating allows this process to be very efficient and controllable

Heating carbon graphite anodes
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