Induction Soldering Fiber Optic
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Objective To heat a fiber optic housing to 400°F within 10 seconds for avsoldering application, to form a hermetic seal
Material Gold-plated aluminum housing, solder preform ring and flux
Temperature 400 ºF
Frequency 267 kHz
Equipment Power of 10kW power supply, remote heat station with a specially designed induction coil.
Process A specially designed, two-turn plate concentrator coil was used to provide uniform heat to the joint area. Initial tests were conducted to establish a heating pattern and time-totemperature.
The goal was to deliver uniform heat to the lid as well as to the housing. One solder preform was applied at the
joint and flux was applied to the joint surface. A ceramic fixture was used to maintain uniform pressure on the lid and keep it from buckling during the heat cycle. RF power was applied for 10 seconds, causing the solder to melt and flow.
Results Consistent and repeatable results were achieved with the Power of 10kW power supply and an 10-second heat cycle.
The solder flowed evenly and bonded the lid to the housing without any visible voids.

Soldering Fiber Optic
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