Induction Soldering Co-axial Wire
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Objective To solder center-conductor and shielding braid of wire
assemblies to 500 (250) °F(°C).
Material • Customer-supplied assemblies
• Temperature indicating paint
• Flux-cored solder wire
Temperature 500 (250) °F (°C)
Frequency 272 kHz
Equipment Power of 6KW induction heating system, equipped with a remote heat station containing two 0.33 μF capacitors.
An induction heating coil designed and developed specifically for this application.
Process A multi-turn helical coil is used and temperature-indicating paint is applied to the joint area. The wire assembly is placed over the induction heating coil, and RF power is applied. The time-to-temperature and the heating pattern on the part are established. The next wire assembly is placed on the coil, the
assembly is heated and solder wire is fed into the joint.
The assembly heats well and reaches 500 °F in 10 seconds.
Results/Benefits • elimination of a crimp process
• more reliable connections are made
• faster process times

Soldering Co-axial Wire
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